Student unique ID Form Download PDF

Hello dear candidates. Student unique ID Form Download PDF has been published. Today we discuss Student Unique ID Form. Student Unique ID is very important if every student.
The reason for giving the student ID card: All the information of the student will be given on the student ID card. Roll, name of the school, name of parents, registration number, and any result will be informed by card. This is the main reason why Student Unique ID Card System has been introduced.
Here are the documents required for a unique student ID card:
- Two copies of passport size color photo (photo background must be white).
- The student’s full name and the roll should be written on the back of the picture.
- Photocopy of student’s birth certificate.
- Photocopy of National Identity Card of Father and Mother.
- Photocopy of birth certificate of father and mother (if any)
- Photocopy of guardian’s national identity card in case of death of father and mother.
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