
Hello dear students. I hope you are well. Today we are discussing NU Corona Virus Vaccine Registration 2021. The epidemic of the corona is increasing day by day. Scientists have largely said that the coronavirus is less likely to expose to heat, but the opposite is true. If you notice, people are suffering and dying in the heat more than in the winter. So anyway, you have to get vaccinated to survive this epidemic.
National University Student Covid-19 Vaccine Registration
We all want to live in this silent world. None of us want to die of immaturity or old age. Everyone wants to live longer age. So it has become very difficult to survive at the present time. Because if a young person is infected with the coronavirus, his chances of survival are reduced by 90%, then everything is the will of God Almighty. So you have to get vaccinated to survive, this vaccine is 80% effective in immunity.
National University Corona Vaccine Registration
Students of all national universities will vaccinate against corona free of cost as per government guidelines. Because educational institutions can open after Eid-ul-Azha. Moreover, the government has given these instructions for the betterment of the students. The government had earlier decided that only those aged 40+ would vaccinate against corona, but a few days ago the government again decided that those aged 35+ and national university students would vaccinate against corona.
NU Covid19 Vaccine Registration
Those of you who think that the corona vaccine will not do anything is wrong. If you take 2 doses of coronavirus then by the grace of Allah you will be 80% safe inshaAllah. Moreover, the coronavirus vaccine has no side effects, you can safely take 2 doses. So if you have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, apply for the vaccine now.
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